The Mother of the Gremlin was given passes to How To Train Your Dragon (the Gremlin says "thanks Pa-Pa!"), and when the MOTG goes to a movie, it's usually an excuse to stock up on popcorn. This particular theater had kiddie-packs, and gave the Gremlin popcorn, a drink, and a treat for $5, so the MOTG purchased two - claiming her other child was in the bathroom.
The Gremlin, staying true to form, devoured his popcorn during the previews, and turned to the MOTG.
"Mommy, will you please share your popcorn with me?"
"No buddy, you had your own."
"Yeah, but it's all gone, so will you share that with me?"
"But you didn't share any of yours with me."
"I'll share some of that with you now."
The Gremlin soon found himself stymied as the MOTG would not give up her popcorn, and sat quietly, but popcorn-less through the rest of the movie.
Later at the store, the Gremlin - getting more independent every day - took his own basket and began buying 'his groceries.' This included a banana (a surprisingly ripe banana with a blue Dole sticker on it), a container of chocolate covered pretzels, 'daddy pop,' sugar, and a grapefruit. There was a minor clash of wills when it was time to check out, but the Gremlin soon focused on getting his regular treat from the store, and selected the chocolate covered pretzels.
As soon as they were home, the Gremlin asked for something to eat. With the time growing closer and closer to dinner, the MOTG told the Gremlin he needed to eat something healthy, to which the Gremlin immediately responded by asking for the chocolate covered pretzels. When the MOTG refused, the Gremlin pulled out the container and pointed to the sticker he had removed from the banana and stuck to the pretzel container that said, "The healthy choice."
2025 Mock NFL Draft
2 days ago
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