Friday, August 27, 2010


I'm convinced the Gremlin is going to be either a great leader, or a tyrant. He's already so charismatic he's learned to bend people to his will.

This has never been more apparent than yesterday at Target where he convinced a woman to redecorate her living room. Her ENTIRE living room.

The woman in question was looking at drapes - attempting to choose between two nice shades of green - when the Gremlin - whose cart had been wheeled up next to her - interjected.

"You should get those" he stated, pointing to the red curtains next to her. "My momma has them and she LOVES them."

"But, I don't have anything that's red"

"That's okay, you can get small stuff and build up. Red goes with everything!"

"I don't know, I have a tan couch..."

"So do we! Red is the BEST you really should get that one."

We saw her as we were checking out - she was in another line with the red curtains, a red throw blanket, and several other red accessories. The woman decided to completely change her color scheme based on the fact that a 3 year old likes fire trucks.

Favorite Toy of the Week: Pillow Pet Dog


  1. LOVE IT!
    Seriously, that kid is hard to say no to...

  2. It was hysterical! I couldn't believe it.

  3. JP - you'll enjoy his next 'wisdom' - he's already more mature than his dad...
