Monday, February 28, 2011

Wisdom of a 4 Year-Old - On Spelling and Symbols

This came after I'd had a few conversations with the Gremlin about 'concepts' and how we assign value to symbols to create language and communication.

"Mom do you know how I'm going to spell my brother's name?"



"What? And what does that spell?!"

"My brother."

"Oh really? Is that what that spells?"

"I don't know, I'm four, I can't spell."


  1. so does this mean your having another boy?!?! :)

  2. Yep, that's right!

    It's going to be great... Just a nice, relaxing... Oh who am I kidding. If he's half as smart as his brother we're in trouble...

  3. Yeah, we are too - the Gremlin, though, he's not as thrilled.

    I think he's warming up to the idea, though - he keeps trying to pick out clothes for the baby. And we've actually got him to pick out real clothes instead of backpacks/suitcases, etc...

  4. What will I call this kid as Tiny Tapioca is already reserved. The diminutive demon?

  5. We were trying to figure out the same thing.

    There haven't been any really good ideas thusfar - please feel free to chime in with any other suggestions!

    (Is Optimus Mighty Mouse still on the table?)
