About an hour after putting the Gremlin to bed, I was happily watching Chuck the other night when I noticed that the hall - usually dark - had a sliver of light shining on the carpet.
I was approaching the hallway and my foot creaked on the floor when the light disappeared all the way. The door squeaked firmly shut, and the handle clicked in. When I attempted to open the door, it seemed stuck unless you gave it a bit of a push, in which case it seemed like there was a 4 year-old on the other side putting all his hefty 35 pound body weight against the door to hold it closed.
So, an hour after his bedtime, the Gremlin had gotten up, turned on his light and decided to build a Lego fire station
Apparently, it was necessary for not only his stuffed
Apparently once the cabal was assembled he thought he had marshaled enough force to retake: his prized Halloween Candy. If only the dreaded Daddy hadn't interrupted just before the surgical strike (which most likely involved scaling the book case in the dining room).
I wasn't sure what I was more proud of - that he was planning a strike to get his candy back, or the fact that he had the guts to turn his bedroom light on and prepare for it.
Sent back to bed to contemplate his strategy, the Gremlin was left with his own thoughts (such as getting so excited the firemen stopped right outside his house this morning), and was fast asleep within seconds.
Favorite Toy of the Week: Lego Architecture Series: John Hancock Building
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