We'll each put one down, he'll claim he won, and then I'll ask him to count both of them out, and ask him which one he gets to last - emphasizing which is "higher" and which is "lower." He will yell (either way), and then squeal if he actually won. This has apparently rubbed off on him, as he showed in the store the other day.
The Gremlin was at Value Village the other day when he scared the Mother of the Gremlin by going into a conniption in the store. When the MOTG finally managed to calm him down, she realized the Gremlin had found the toy to end all toys:
The Rescue Hero Fire Truck
The Gremlin clutched his prize and tried not to hyperventilate while trying to put together a cohesive sentence.
"M-M-Momma! M-m-m-m-momma! I want this! Please I can get it?!"
"I don't know buddy, I don't think you have enough money..." The Gremlin's face lit up and he jumped on his opportunity.
"I do! I do! I have five dollars. This is two dot nine-nine. That is almost three. Three is less than five. I will have two dollars and one cent left over after I buy this!"
The words were barely out of his mouth when he bolted to the front of the store, the MOTG only catching up with him after he made it through the line and had his fire truck on the counter, though the cashier was staring at him a bit inquisitively.
Favorite Toy of the Week: Lego Police Helicopter
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