Upon receiving it, the Gremlin ran in circles through the house yelling, "Oh, thank you Uncle Thompson, I love you so much!"
It was an unfortunate blow to the Gremlin that it came frozen. To kill time, the Mother of the Gremlin took him to Green Lake where the Gremlin used another present to scoot around the path.
At each mile marker, the Gremlin would stop, turn to the MOTG and shout (as on his bike he is now faster than her), "Momma! Is my cake unfrozen yet? We need to get home before Daddy eats it all!"
When it finally did become unfrozen, the Gremlin would not eat it.
"Nono, we can't eat it! We have to wait for Uncle Thompson!"
"Buddy, he's not here."
"Yeah, but he sent cake!"
"Right, but he's in Chicago."
"But he sent cake! Why wouldn't he come over for cake?!" It took us four hours to convince him that Uncle Thompson just sent the cake as a present - that he wasn't coming to visit (during which time we were sadly not allowed to eat the cake)
Favorite Toy of the Week: Rescue Hero Mountain Command Center