So the Mother of the Gremlin is attempting to go back to school, again. Assuming she graduates this time, with her fourth change in major, she will have 2 degrees, and 2 minors. Hopefully this will give her a competitive advantage over the poor saps who graduated years ago with only one degree.
To return to school, though, the MOTG must face: Not-concerned-about People University - for lack of a better moniker, we'll call it NPU. So the MOTG took the Gremlin to NPU the other day to reactivate her account and register for classes. Upon reaching the registration building, the MOTG was told by the woman at the front desk that she was no longer in the system (after leaving for 3 years to have the Gremlin). The MOTG informed the woman that she was in the system, but needed to be reactivated. The woman informed the MOTG that she needed to go to admissions to re-apply.
After much discussion, and several attempts at reasoning with the woman, the MOTG decided to go ahead and go over to admissions, just to prove the woman wrong. After walking across campus, she was informed by admissions that she was in the computer but needed to be reactivated and that was done by registration. After yet another trek across the campus, the woman at the registration desk that she had not re-applied correctly and needed to go back over to admissions. While the MOTG stared in exasperation, the Gremlin looked up.
"Wow, you're S-T-U-P-I-D." The woman was shocked.
"It spells 'stupid.'"
"That's not very nice," the woman informed him. "That's not the way to get people to like you."
"Well I don't like you," the Gremlin retorted, implying that he didn't care if she liked him or not.
The MOTG left, as she was pretty sure there wasn't too much else the woman would do for her. After thinking about it for a minute, she re-entered through the back stairs. She went upstairs and was re-registered by the helpful woman on the second floor. After mentioning that the other woman was unable to help her, the upstairs registroir said,
"Yeah, we're having some problems with her."
"See?" said the Gremlin. "S-T-U-P-I-D."
Next week begins the saga of the Gremlin moving from "Sha-cago" to "Seapple." Tune in as we encounter such traumatizing things as packing toys, returning 'big boy beds' and worst of all - bath time.
2025 Mock NFL Draft
2 days ago
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