Monday, January 10, 2011

Wisdom of a 4 Year Old - On Hearing 'The Big News'

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I don't want to be a big brother! This is the worst day of my life!"

The Gremlin began warming up to the idea later when he went in to check the ultrasound. The doctor pointed at the new baby (specifically the arm that was being waved up and down excitedly) and asked the Gremlin if he knew what it was. The Gremlin responded, relieved.

"Yeah it's his lifesaver. And its a good thing he has his own cause I wasn't going to share mine." (Lightsaber)

However, he became the most excited when the tech moved the equipment to try to get a picture of the baby's face.

"Oh! Its okay, the baby can come now." The Mother of the Gremlin and the nurse were surprised by this, and asked the Gremlin why. The Gremlin pointed at the ultrasound screen. 

"He is a Star Wars guy!"


  1. what?!?!?! is it true??? could it really be??? you're having another????? SOOOOOO exciting! congrats you two!!!! :D

  2. Yep, it's true. Thanks, we're pretty excited. The MOTG has 'decided' it's a girl so as to even things out. The Gremlin and I aren't so sure...

  3. LOVE it! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!

  4. Hahahaha, I specifically held off so the MOTG could tell her parents, but being as scattered as she is right now, she apparently forgot to call all you girls, and now she's upset with me for posting it (even though she told me I could).

    Oh, I remember how fun these next few months are going to be....
