It seems the Gremlin has met his match, in the form of a smiliarly-aged female. He was traveling to the park the other day with this girl - who he calls 'Jasp-air' - and wanted to hold her hand.
"Jasp-air, I want to hold your hand."
"Well I don't want to hold yours." The Gremlin was being very whiny that day, so the Mother of the Gremlin tried to distract him.
"Buddy, why don't you pick up a few pine cones?" Jasp-air perked up at the Gremlin having something she didn't.
"I want pine cones!" The Gremlin looked up, his arms full, and saw his opportunity to hold her hand.
"I will give you a pine cone if you hold my hand."
"I want two pine cones."
"Okay, here you go Jasp-air." After the Gremlin handed them over, she held out both hands that were now occupied by the pine cones and shrugged.
"Sorry, can't hold your hand!"
"Well, if you're not going to hold my hand, I'm not going to give you any pine cones."
"Okay." She handed them back. The Gremlin tried again.
"I want to hold your hand."
"I want two pinecones."
"Can't hold your hand!"
"Well I want my pine cones back."
"Okay." After Jasp-air passed the pine cones back the Gremlin his face scrunched up.
"Hey! I don't like this game - you're smarter than me!"
Favorite Toy of the Week:
Curious George stuffed animal