I'm AJ the Gremlin, and today is the longest day of my life.
6:00am - Mommy woke me up today. After putting me to bed early for the past two days, she finally thinks I have caught up on my sleep. I decided to convey my displeasure with her through the only way I can communicate before I have my coffee
7:00am - MOMMY LEFT! SHE'S GONE! I'M ALL ALON-oh, hey, it's Daddy. Nevermind.
8:00am - Daddy seems to be tired. I can't bee seen as 'going soft' on him, so I will now whine about every conceivable thing for the next hour.
9:00am - Bored. Ooooh, look toilet paper. I love it how this stuff just flies off the roll. Roll, man, I wonder if I left my cars out. Oh, no, they're in my room, I'll just go over and... What? Oh, yes daddy, I am still holding the toilet paper. Oh, I didn't know I couldn't do that.
10:00am - Trip to the store! I'm gonna get a treat! I love having mommy and daddy trained.
10:15am - Was forced by the slaving daddy to walk halfway here.
10:30am - Purchased odd basket, but am getting juice, so I'll help carry something home.
11:00am - Time to get ready for soccer
11:15am - Again, forced to do something I don't want to by slaving daddy - now stuck wearing clothes. Boo...
12:00pm - Finally got to soccer, realized it was more than one person and freaked out.
12:05pm - Realized there is a coach, started crying
12:10pm - Realized coach has a whistle
12:15pm - Didn't want to participate in drills, started crying
12:20pm - Didn't get to participate in drills, started crying
12:25pm - Coach used his whistle again, started crying
12:30pm - Oooooh, treats!
12:31pm - Wanted another cookie, was refused, started crying
Tha-thump! Tha-thump! Tha-thump!
Tune in next week for the exciting results of the Parents of the Gremlin getting sick of how much he asks everyone else to do work for him and get strict! More crying action! More crying time! Guaranteed to make other parents take their kids home early from soccer practice!
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