While returning from a jaunt out to the southern suburbs, the Mother of the Gremlin decided to, after a quick detour to Wendy's to reward the surprisingly patient Gremlin, the MOTG headed over to the sixth gate (not to be confused with the Ravenswood Post Office, though almost as frightening) - the Vehicle Emissions Testing Facility.
When the vehicle approached, it was like he knew who it was - almost as if we had been there 6 times before. And just as if he had seen us 6 times before, the emissions tester gruffly demanded the MOTG's paperwork. The Gremlin, who was just finishing off his Frostee (so imagine his face like this, only with chocolate), piped up as he had been working on the exact same thing over the last few days.
"Escuse me, but you dint say 'pease!'" The man slowly bent down until he was able to see in through the driver's side window into the back seat. The Gremlin stared back at him.
"You need to ask nicely and say pease." The very large man looked down at the MOTG who reinforced it.
"We're trying to teach him that even if it's an unpleasant situation, it doesn't make anything worse to be polite," and she sat there and waited as the man stood there with is hand out.
"Ma'am, may I please have your receipt and testing form?" The Gremlin started clapping and yelled.
"Good job!"
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